Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Post-Hibernation and My Guilty Pleasure

Hello world!

I've woken up from my long, long hibernation since christmas.

Talking about my recent activities, because of the summer holiday + night part time shifts combination I am having, my internal clock is somewhat out of order and that's why I'm hitting keyboard at 5AM while enjoying a cup of coffee right here.

I moved to Osaka from Kyoto and enrolled into another Japanese language school. I don't know whether it's because the first city I lived in was Kyoto or I simply just like this from the start, but I just feel somewhat restless in Osaka compared to Kyoto. It's just, too rowdy, I guess.

Well, for a person that had been used to spend his days in the world's number one city for travel and leisure (2 years in a row), and you throw him out to the busy, noisy metropolis environment. What do I even expect ?

See this SHIT? Now that I moved into Osaka, I realized just how amazing Kyoto is. It's practically Japan in every breath I took. There are still so many places I haven't visit in Kyoto and I will certainly visit them. Ginkakuji for starters. Kyoto is certainly one place you should visit before you die.

Anyway, One more thing I realize is that the more city, more convenient my environment is, the lazier i become. Before, I didn't really mind walking for 30 minutes just for my groceries and now in contrast, I even skipped meals many times just because I am too lazy to go buy some food even though it'd take only 5 minutes by walking. To be honest, it feels suffocating, especially if you live right beside a busy road.

So I changed city, moved into another house, found a part-time job again, yadayada...
And now I'm just spending my days normally.

"I really am so slothful"

If you know that reference, good for you because I think we could just, possibly, either be a best friend or an life-long enemy. Because EMT!

sorry I was kidding that was a joke... REM BEST GIRL!
For now, that is...

As probably you have guessed, I'm what you call anime enthusiast or "muttsuri otaku" or shut in otaku or whatever it is.

I'm really enjoying this season animes, specifically, RE:ゼロから始まり異世界生活. it's on air at the moment. Even for me who have watched anime ever since snot is still hanging down from my nostril, it's one of my favorite anime of all time right now. There are hardly any series that could keep me browsing fan arts on the internet for hours every time I finished an episode. Hats off to both White Fox Studio and the Voice actors, well done. (Applause)

If you haven't watched the series yet, I suggest you don't watch it after it's finished. The agony of waiting every week is just painful. Seriously.

Okay, enough with my hobby-related blabbering. And...
Sore ja, Mata ne!

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